BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CERN//INDICO//EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Planet Formation By Chondrule Accretion DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20200513T093500Z DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20200513T095500Z DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240704T115619Z DESCRIPTION:Speakers: Åke Nordlund (Niels Bohr Institute\, Copenhagen)\nR ecently performed nested-grid\, high-resolution hydrodynamic and radiation -hydrodynamics simulations of gas and particle dynamics in the vicinity of Mars- to Earth-mass planetary embryos (Popovas et al 2018MNRAS.479.5136P and 2019MNRAS.482L.107P) have provided quantitatively robust estimates of accretion rates for planet embryos formed inside a pressure trap. The simu lations extended from the resolved surfaces of the embryos to several vert ical disk scale heights\, with a vertical dynamic range exceeding 1e5. He ating due to the accretion of solids caused vigorous convective motions\, however even convection driven by a nominal accretion rate one Earth mass per Myr did not significantly alter the pebble accretion rate. Ray-trac ing radiative transfer showed that rocky planet embryos embedded in protop lanetary disks can retain hot and light atmospheres throughout much of the evolution of the disks.\n\nImportantly\, the results showed that particle s larger than the chondrules ubiquitously observed in meteorites are not required to explain the accretion of rocky planets such as Earth and Mars within the lifetime of the disk. Due to cancellation effects\, accretion rates of a given size particles are nearly independent of disk surface de nsity\, while proportional to the dust-to-gas ratio. As a result\, accura te growth times for specified particle sizes may be estimated. For 0.3-1 m m size particles\, and assuming a dust-to-gas ratio of 1:100\, the growth time from a small seed is ~1.5 million years for an Earth mass planet at 1 AU and ~1 million years for a Mars mass planet at 1.5 AU. \n\nThe magnitu de and robustness of the accretion rate estimates hinges on the assumption of the embryo residing in a pressure trap. A vertically projected dust to gas ratio of 1:100 is thus a lower limit\, with continued trapping of m m-size particles expected to accelerate accretion. This mechanism is the refore a prime candidate to explain rapid formation of rocky planets\, lea ving open only the question of by which mechanism the accretion is quenche d\, thus determining the final mass.\n\nI will discuss provocative scenari os where this question is resolved\, including implications for the format ion of gas dwarfs and gas giants.\n\n ibutions/46/ LOCATION:Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) Lecture Hall URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR