BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CERN//INDICO//EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Radiation-Hydrodynamical Models of X-ray Photoevaporation in Carbo n Depleted Circumstellar Discs DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20200512T124500Z DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20200512T130500Z DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240704T115619Z DESCRIPTION:Speakers: Lisa Wölfer (Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestr ische Physik)\nTransition discs provide an important tool to probe various mechanisms that might influence the evolution of protoplanetary discs and therefore the formation of planetary systems. One of these mechanisms is photoevaporation due to energetic radiation from the central star\, which can in principal explain the occurrence of discs with inner cavities. Curr ent models\, however\, fail to reproduce a subset of the observed transiti on discs\, namely objects with large measured cavities and vigorous accret ion. For these objects the presence of (multiple) giant planets is often i nvoked to explain the observations. In our work\, we explore the possibili ty of X-ray photoevaporation operating in discs with different gas-phase d epletion of carbon and show that the influence of photoevaporation can be extended in such low-metallicity discs. As carbon is one of the main contr ibutors to the X-ray opacity\, its depletion leads to larger penetration d epths of X-rays in the disc and results in higher gas temperatures and str onger photoevaporative winds. We present radiation-hydrodynamical models o f discs irradiated by internal X-ray+EUV radiation assuming carbon gas-pha se depletions by factors of 3\,10 and 100 and derive realistic mass-loss r ates and profiles. Our analysis yields robust temperature prescriptions as well as photoevaporative mass-loss rates and profiles which may be able t o explain a larger fraction of the observed diversity of transition discs. \n\n LOCATION:Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) Lecture Hall URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR