BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CERN//INDICO//EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:A massive planet disruption as the source of dust in TW Hydra prot oplanetary disc DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20200513T084500Z DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20200513T090500Z DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240704T115619Z DESCRIPTION:Speakers: Sergei Nayakshin (University of Leicester)\nThe prot ostar TW Hydra features the best studied and one of the most unusual proto planetary discs. Its dust disc has a cliff-like rollover at 52 AU which co incides with a suspected sub-Neptune mass planet recently detected as an a zimuthally elongated AU-scale excess in ALMA 1.3 mm continuum (Tsukagoshi +19). Here we build detailed models of dust growth\, dynamics and syntheti c disc emission to investigate the origin of TW Hydra's peculiarities.\n\n \nWe show that the standard scenario in which the dust in TW Hydra disc is primordial accounts neither for the dust morphology nor the excess emissi on. We propose an alternative model in which the primordial dust is long c onsumed by the star or locked in planets\; the dust currently observed in the system is ejected by the suspected ALMA planet. We show that in this m odel the mm-sized dust particles are blown inside the planetary orbit\, na turally explaining the dust disc morphology and its relation to the 1.3 mm excess. Further\, dust lost by the planet performs a characteristic U-tur n relative to the planet producing an azimuthally elongated emission featu re similar to the one observed by ALMA. Finally\, the disruption scenario provides an attractive explanation for why one of the oldest protoplanetar y discs happens to be tens times more massive in terms of dust than most d iscs a fraction of TW Hydra's age.\n\n\nWe consider two scenarios for the nature of the dust-loosing planet. In the first\, a dusty pre-collapse gas envelope of a massive core growing in the Core Accretion framework is dis rupted\, e.g.\, as a result of a catastrophic encounter. In the second\, a massive dusty gas giant planet formed in the Gravitational Instability sc enario is disrupted by the energy release in its massive core. In the latt er case all of TW Hydra protoplanetary disc\, including its gaseous compon ent\, may originate in such a disruption\; the planet mass has to be no la rger than 2 Jupiter masses and it must be 5-10 times more abundant in meta ls than the Sun.\n\nIf these ideas are correct then future observations of TW Hydra\, and potentially other discs\, will allow us to study planet fo rmation in an entirely new way -- by analysing the flows of dust and gas r ecently belonging to giant planets. Reverse engineering of mass loss from the planets may inform us about their density structure and elemental comp osition before the disruption.\n\n tions/58/ LOCATION:Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) Lecture Hall URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR