BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CERN//INDICO//EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:40 years of disk-planet interaction: some new developments in an o ld problem DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20200513T070000Z DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20200513T072000Z DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240704T115619Z DESCRIPTION:Speakers: Roman Rafikov (University of Cambridge)\nGravitation al coupling between protoplanetary disks and embedded planets is an old pr oblem ascending to the seminal studies of Goldreich & Tremaine (1980) and Lin & Papaloizou (1979). It is widely recognized as playing a key role in many areas of exoplanetary science: determination of the planetary archite ctures\, disk evolution\, planetary accretion\, and so on. In this talk I will describe several key theoretical advances that took place in this fie ld in recent years. They provide a better understanding of the ways in whi ch density waves get excited in disks by planets\, how they propagate thro ugh the disk\, and how they dissipate\, linearly and non-linearly\, drivin g global disk evolution. I will particularly focus on recent advances in i ncorporating realistic disk thermodynamics in studies of disk-planet coupl ing\, their impact on the numerical studies of this phenomenon\, and the o bservational manifestations of massive planets in protoplanetary disks\, i ncluding both scattered light imaging and recent ALMA observations of fine structures in disks.\n\n LOCATION:Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) Lecture Hall URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR