BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CERN//INDICO//EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Centaurus A\, its globular clusters\, planetary nebulae and dark m atter halo shape DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20230324T104500Z DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20230324T110000Z DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240704T115759Z DESCRIPTION:Speakers: Tadeja Veršič (ESO\, University of Vienna)\nThe ma ss content of the Universe is dominated by non-baryonic dark matter\, acco rding to the Lambda Cold Dark Matter cosmology interpretation of observati onal evidence. However\, not all observations agree with the theory and ma ny predictions remain difficult to investigate. In particular\, simulation s predict that the shapes of the most massive dark matter haloes deviate f rom spherical symmetry. The outer regions of galaxies show the most promin ent signatures of dark matter. Discrete dynamical modeling of halo tracers offers a unique opportunity to further investigate the presence and large -scale distribution of dark matter in galactic haloes. Extended halo popul ations of globular clusters (GCs) and planetary nebulae (PNe) are ideal ki nematic tracers in the outer regions of the galaxies and can be observed o ut to 10 or even 15 effective radii in several galaxies. Using both tracer s that have distinct kinematic properties and spatial distribution helps i n breaking the well-known mass-anisotropy degeneracy that hinders dynamica l modeling. In this work we constrain\, the flattening of the dark matter halo of Centaurs A galaxy (NGC5128). In my talk I will present the analysi s of the photometric and kinematic properties of PNe and GCs and the resul ts from the discrete anisotropic Jeans modeling.\n\nhttps://meetings.aip.d e/event/20/contributions/225/ LOCATION:Haus H\, Telegrafenberg URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR