BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CERN//INDICO//EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:SunDish Project: Single-Dish Solar Imaging and calibration in K-ba nd with the INAF Radio Telescopes DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20230508T145500Z DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20230508T151000Z DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240704T115652Z DESCRIPTION:Speakers: Sara Mulas (INAF-OAC)\nThe SunDish project aims to m ap and monitor the Sun at high radio frequencies with the Italian Sardinia (64-m) and Medicina (32-m) Radio Telescopes in the K-band range (18-26 GH z)\, up to 100 GHz in perspective. Since the two instruments were not orig inally designed to observe the Sun\, a new solar radio imaging system was implemented. To date we acquired more than 350 solar maps with resolutions in the 0.7-2 arcmin range\, filling the observational gap in the field of chromospheric imaging at these frequencies to date.\n\nObservations of th e brightness temperature of the solar atmosphere in the radio band can map plasma processes that produce free-free emission in the local thermodynam ic equilibrium and gyromagnetic phenomena\, providing a probe of physical conditions in a wide range of atmospheric layers both for quiet and active regions.\n\nAs a first early science result of the project\, we present t he first catalog of radio continuum solar imaging observations with Medici na 32-m and SRT 64-m radio telescopes including the multi-wavelength ident ification of active regions\, their brightness and spectral characterizati on. The interpretation of the observed emission as thermal bremsstrahlung components combined with gyro-magnetic variable emission pave the way to t he use of our system for long-term monitoring of the Sun. Single-dish radi o imaging represents an ideal technique to perform accurately calibrated s olar observations. We obtained obtained unprecedented and very precise cal ibrated measurements of the Quiet Sun in the K-band affected by a mean rel ative error of 3%.\n\nThrough systematic monitoring of the Sun\, our syste m can provide accurate measurement of the brightness temperature of the ra dio-quiet Sun component\; characterization of the flux density\, spectral properties and long-term evolution of dynamical features (active regions\, coronal holes\, loop systems\, streamers\, and the coronal plateau)\; pre diction of powerful flares through the detection of peculiar spectral vari ations in the active regions\, as a valuable forecasting probe for the Spa ce Weather hazard network.\n\n ns/302/ LOCATION:Haus H\, Telegrafenberg URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR