BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CERN//INDICO//EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Quantifying Poynting Flux in the Quiet Sun Photosphere Using Obser vations and Simulations DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20230510T071500Z DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20230510T073000Z DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240704T115654Z DESCRIPTION:Speakers: Denis Tilipman (University of Colorado\, Boulder\; N ational Solar Observatory (NSO))\nThe solar chromosphere and corona are he ated by the dissipation of magnetic energy that emerges from the photosphe re. The outward flux of magnetic energy\, or Poynting flux\, is therefore important to understand in both qualitative and quantitative terms. It can be computed by taking a cross product of electric and magnetic fields\, a nd in ideal MHD conditions it can be expressed in terms of magnetic field and plasma velocity. There are existing estimates of Poynting flux in acti ve regions and plages\, but the quiet Sun (QS) remains a challenging targe t due to resolution effects and polarimetric noise. However\, with upcomin g DKIST capabilities\, these estimates will become more feasible than ever before.\n\nHere we present our findings from studying QS Poynting flux in Sunrise/IMaX observations and MURaM simulations. Since this problem has n ot been comprehensively approached before\, and due to the aforementioned challenges of QS observations\, we explore and evaluate multiple methods f or computing Poynting flux. For transverse velocities\, we try two inversi on methods – a classic correlation tracking approach FLCT and a neural n etwork based method DeepVel – and show DeepVel to be the more suitable m ethod in the context of small-scale QS flows. Further\, we investigate the effect of magnetic field azimuthal ambiguity on Poynting flux estimates\, and we describe a new method for azimuth disambiguation. Finally\, we use two methods for obtaining the electric field. The first method relies on idealized Ohm's law\, whereas the second is a state-of-the-art inductive e lectric field inversion method PDFI\\_SS.\n\nWe compare the resulting Poyn ting flux values with theoretical estimates for chromospheric and coronal energy losses and find that some\, but not all\, of Poynting flux estimate s are sufficient to match the energy losses. Using MURaM simulations\, we show that photospheric Poynting fluxes vary with optical depth\, and that there is an observational bias that results in underestimated Poynting flu xes due to unaccounted shear term contribution.\n\n /event/24/contributions/317/ LOCATION:Haus H\, Telegrafenberg URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR