BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CERN//INDICO//EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coronal flux ropes over Solar Cycle 24 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20230508T130500Z DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20230508T133000Z DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240704T115652Z DESCRIPTION:Speakers: Anthony Yeates (Durham University)\nQuasi-static mod elling of the Sun’s corona using the magneto-frictional approximation ma kes predictions of how its large-scale magnetic structure might vary over the solar cycle. Unlike the traditional potential field source surface mod el\, this approach is able to probe the effects of low coronal electric cu rrents and the corresponding free magnetic energy. In particular\, ongoing footpoint shearing and flux cancellation lead to the concentration of fre e energy within closed-field regions\, naturally forming sheared arcades a nd magnetic flux ropes. I will show model results for Cycle 24 driven by m agnetogram data from SDO/HMI\, with the aim of comparing to earlier result s from a decade ago for Cycle 23. In particular\, we will consider how sol ar flux ropes and their eruptions vary over the solar cycle\, at least acc ording to this model.\n\n 5/ LOCATION:Haus H\, Telegrafenberg URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR