BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CERN//INDICO//EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Probing the mass of the Andromeda galaxy with DESI spectroscopy DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20230321T111000Z DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20230321T112500Z DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241114T092421Z DESCRIPTION:Speakers: Sergey Koposov (Institute for Astronomy\, University of Edinburgh)\nWe present DESI observations of the stellar halo of M31 wh ich reveal the kinematics of a recent merger in exquisite detail. Using da ta from less than four hours of observations by DESI survey we measure rad ial velocities of more than 7000 sources in M31. These observations show a n intricate coherent kinematic structure in position and velocity space in M31 stellar halo. While hints of coherent structures have been previously detected in M31\, this is the first time they have been seen with such de tail and clarity in a galaxy beyond the Milky Way. We find clear kinematic evidence for multiple shell structures across M31. The kinematics of thes e structures are remarkably similar to the predictions of dynamical models of a single merger event that happened ~2 Gyr ago and enable us to constr ain the gravitational potential of the M31. Using a model of just a small part of the merger debris observed by DESI we estimate the total mass of M 31 within a projected radius of 125 kpc to be log10(M/Msun) = 11.78+/-0.1. This study opens a new era in our ability to map stellar halos and measur e masses of nearby galaxies with high multiplex spectrographs.\n\nhttps:// LOCATION:Haus H\, Telegrafenberg URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR