BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CERN//INDICO//EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Lopsidedness in Andromeda's satellite galaxy distribution: A renew ed tension with CDM simulations DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20230322T112500Z DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20230322T114000Z DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241114T092437Z DESCRIPTION:Speakers: Kosuke Jamie Kanehisa (Leibniz-Institut für Astroph ysik Potsdam)\nDwarf satellite galaxies around Andromeda (M31) and the Mil ky Way form thin\, coherently rotating planes argued to be in tension with expectations from the cold-dark-matter (CDM) model of cosmology. For M31\ , this disagreement is compounded by a prominent asymmetry in its satellit e distribution\; over 80% of its dwarfs lie in the hemisphere facing the M ilky Way. To a degree\, lopsided dwarf galaxy systems appear to be ubiquit ous in the local Universe and may reflect an underlying asymmetry in their hosts' dark matter halo morphology - in turn carrying implications for ha lo mass estimates derived from satellite dynamics. Adopting a recently pub lished set of homogeneous\, RR Lyrae-based distances to the M31 satellites \, we discovered that the existing asymmetry is strengthened. 34 out of 35 satellites are contained within a cone with an opening angle of 202 degre es (or 213 degrees facing the Milky Way)\, while the luminous dwarf M110 d ominates the nearly hemispheric void on the other side. We further studied the rarity of similarly asymmetric dwarf galaxy distributions in several state-of-the-art cosmological simulations. Even when accounting for the lo ok-elsewhere effect in selecting a preferred opening angle\, less than 0.4 % of M31 analogs host satellite systems that match or exceed the observed asymmetry. The significance of the M31 satellites' observed asymmetry towa rds the Milky Way in CDM simulations now rivals that of M31's plane-of-sat ellites\, cementing the Andromeda system as a striking outlier from cosmol ogical expectations.\n\n LOCATION:Haus H\, Telegrafenberg URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR