BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CERN//INDICO//EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:New Satellite Dwarf Galaxies of NGC2683 and M104 and the Search fo r Satellite Planes. DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20230324T110000Z DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20230324T111500Z DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241114T092457Z DESCRIPTION:Speakers: Ethan Crosby (ANU)\nSince the early 2000s satellite dwarf galaxies of the Local Group and more recently\, the nearby Centaurus A/M83 group\, have been known to show morphological characteristics and s patial distributions that do not match predictions from ΛCDM simulations. In particular\, satellite dwarf galaxies inhabiting the Local Group and t he Centaurus A/M83 group appear to be co-rotating in confined disks known as satellite planes. ΛCDM simulations have failed to fully reproduce sate llite planes despite increasingly advanced simulations\, including baryon physics\, and aren’t associated with galactic analogues of the local uni verse in ΛCDM simulations. Several presented hypotheses suggest that thes e apparent discrepancies may be the result of one of three mechanisms\; th at statistical bias in determinations of satellite planes in the local uni verse leads to inflated significance\, that simulations fail to simulate s ome feature of the universe or that unique conditions in the local univers e led to the formation of satellite planes. This is motivating an internat ional effort to search for satellite galaxies and ultimately\, satellite p lanes\, outside of the local universe. Using the Hyper Suprime Cam from th e Subaru telescope\, we capture ~4 degree field of view images of nearby i solated L* galaxy environments with the intent of identifying satellite dw arf galaxies complete to an absolute g-band magnitude of >-10 and ultimate ly\, identifying satellite planes. These environments reside outside of th e Local Sheet\, which may have provided the conditions that favours the ge neration of satellite planes\, or the galaxies within may not form an inde pendent sample which reduces the significance of satellite planes. Our rec ent research has focused on searching for the satellite galaxies of M104 a nd NGC2683\, two mostly isolated galaxy environments that reside outside o f the local sheet and are thus free from biases associated with it. Across these two environments\, we find over 20 newly discovered highly probably dwarf galaxy candidates up to projected radii of 400 kpc\, which for NGC2 683 are distributed in an anisoptric\, flattened disk and for M104\, a lop -sided but circular disk. We intend to follow up these candidates with obs ervations using IFU-M\, a novel IFU spectroscope undergoing commissioning at the Magellan telescopes of the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. These spectroscopic observations will confirm that our new galaxy candidates ar e associated with their assumed hosts\, determine if co-rotation is presen t\, and for brighter candidates\, allow us to explore the mass-to-light ra tios and star formation histories of these dwarf galaxies. This spectrosco pically enhanced dataset of newly discovered dwarf satellite galaxies limi ts statistical bias and enables us to answer questions about the local uni verse and our cosmological models\; is the local universe a cosmological o ddity\, or do our models of the universe fail to account for an unknown fa ctor?\n\n LOCATION:Haus H\, Telegrafenberg URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR