BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CERN//INDICO//EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Stromgren photometric metallicity map of the Small Magellanic Clou d using Gaia DR3-XP spectra. DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20230322T145700Z DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20230322T145900Z DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241114T092441Z DESCRIPTION:Speakers: Abinaya Ondivillu Omkumar (Leibniz Institute for Ast rophysics Potsdam (AIP))\nObservational studies have identified several su b-structures in different regions of the Magellanic Clouds (MCs). One such interesting sub-structure in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) is a dual p opulation of intermediate-age giant stars which are spatially and kinemati cally distinct. Comparisons with simulations suggest that the foreground p opulation might be tidally stripped from the SMC main-body\, but their ori gin is not clearly proven yet. If we have homogeneous metallicity measurem ents of the sources from these sub-structures\, we can see whether they ar e having similar values or different from the main-body population. Hence\ , metallicity measurements of these populations will help us understand th eir origin and/or their association with the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). However\, spectroscopic metallicities are only available for a few thousa nd sources and also from different instruments at various spectral resolut ions\, which makes it difficult to compare their values and draw conclusio ns from the results. The third data release of Gaia has provided us with ~ 0.17 million XP spectra of the SMC sources as faint as ~ 18 mag in G-band which are spread across ~ 10° from the SMC center. Stromgren photometry is a well-established method to estimate the photometric metallicities. Ga ia BP spectra covers the u\, v\, b and y Strömgren bands. Using the estim ated Strömgren magnitudes from the Gaia BP spectra\, we calibrated the [F e/H] values. We compared a subset of the SMC sources that has [Fe/H] value s from the high-resolution (~ 22\,500) APOGEE spectrograph for the validat ion of our method. Using those metallicity measurements\, we produce a hom ogeneous metallicity map of the entire SMC also with a higher spatial reso lution and study the metallicity of different sub-structures to shed light on their possible origin and/or their associations with the LMC.\n\nhttps :// LOCATION:Haus H\, Telegrafenberg URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR