Rat Deutscher Sternwarten
Perspectives of Astrophysics in Germany 2015-2030
7-9 December 2015
Science Park »Albert Einstein« on the Telegrafenberg
Lecture hall H
At the strategy workshop “Perspectives of Astrophysics in Germany 2015-2030” the state of astrophysical research in Germany will be presented and strategies for the next decade will be discussed. The focus is on the participation of research groups and institutions at large, mostly international projects. Thematic blocks include:
– Key issues of astrophysical research 2015-2030
– Ground-based observatories in the context of the Astronet Roadmap
– ESA space program Cosmic Vision and the national space program
– Bi- and multilateral participation in other projects
Results of the workshop will be incorporated in the strategy discussions with funding agencies, such as the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG, the Federal Ministry for Research and Education BMBF and the Ministry for Economics affairs and Energy, who is in charge of the national space programme. The workshop is organized by the Council of German Observatories (Rat Deutscher Sternwarten, RDS), and the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP).
Workshop Outline
The workshop is organized around 11 scientific and 9 infrastructural themes (see meeting program). Each of these themes is organized by a group of 3-4 established scientists in the German community. Each group is charged with the preparation of the science case including the input by the community. In particular, the following questions should be addressed:
1) What are the main themes/questions in the respective subfield of astronomy for the upcoming 10-15 years?
2) What is the position of astrophysics in Germany w.r.t answering these questions, where are we particularly visible?
3) What are the prominent achievements and successes of the past decade?
4) What are the main reasons for the position of Germany in these endeavours (e.g. infrastructures, size of working groups et cetera)?
5) What is required to maintain this position or even to expand it in the coming years (e.g. key infrastructures, funding programs)?
6) What are the main shortcomings that need to be fixed to maintain or to even further promote the current position?