The conference will start with an opening reception at the Aspen Center for Physics (ACP) on Sunday, March 3rd,\u00a05pm \u2013 7pm.<\/p>\n
We will have talk sessions in the morning and evening during the whole week, except on Wednesday. On Wednesday the evening session is replaced by a public talk by Garth Illingworth.<\/p>\n
For presentation slides (PDF), please click on the titke of the respective contribution.<\/span><\/p>\n 17.00-19.00: Welcome reception at the Aspen Center for Physics Chair \u2013 Wyse – All talks 20 min + 5 min questions<\/strong><\/p>\n 09.00-09.10: Rosie Wyse \u2013 Welcome<\/em> 10:45-16:30: afternoon recess<\/p>\n 16:30-16.55: Louise Welsh \u2013 Modelling the chemical enrichment by Population III supernovae: The origins of the metals in near-pristine gas clouds<\/em><\/a> 17:25-17.55: break<\/p>\n 17.55 -18.20: Mihir Kulkarni \u2013\u00a0Fragmentation in Ionized Population III Galaxies<\/em><\/a> Chair \u2013 Haiman – All talks 20 min + 5 min questions<\/strong><\/p>\n 08.30-08.55: Garth Illingworth \u2013\u00a0Revealing Cosmic Sunrise: Galaxy Build-up in the <\/em>First 600 Myr<\/em><\/a> 09.30-09.55: break<\/p>\n 09.55-10.20: Jarrett Johnson \u2013\u00a0Extreme Population III Starbursts and Direct <\/em>Collapse Black Holes Stimulated by High Redshift Quasars<\/em><\/a> 11:00-16:30: afternoon recess<\/p>\n 16.30-16.55: Aaron Smith \u2013\u00a0The Physics of Lyman Escape from High-redshift <\/em>Galaxies<\/em><\/a> 17:30-17.55: break<\/p>\n 17.55-18.20: Eli Visbal \u2013\u00a0Identifying Direct Collapse Black Holes through their Small Host Galaxies<\/em><\/a> Chair \u2013 Carlberg – All talks 20 min + 5 min questions<\/strong><\/p>\n 08.30-08.55: Massimo Ricotti \u2013\u00a0Reionization Driven by Star Formation in Compact Star Clusters<\/em><\/a> 09:30-09.55: break<\/p>\n 09.55-10.20: Andrew Graus \u2013\u00a0Local Group Constraints on the Epoch of Reionization<\/em><\/a> Recess<\/p>\n No evening session<\/p>\n 17.30: Public lecture by Garth Illingworth The James Webb Space Telescope \u00a0– constructing he most complex space telescope ever<\/em><\/a> at Wheeler Opera House<\/p>\n Chair \u2013 Brodie – All talks 20min + 5min questions<\/strong><\/p>\n 08.30-08.55: Zoltan Haiman \u2013 Rapid Formation of Massive Black Holes via Intense Lyman-Werner illumination <\/em><\/a> 09.30-09.55: break<\/p>\n 09.55-10.20: Ruth Daly \u2013\u00a0Magnetic Fields Transported by Outflows from Black Hole Systems to the ISM and IGM<\/em> 11:00-16:30: afternoon recess<\/p>\n 16:30- 16.55: Paul Shapiro \u2013\u00a0The Cosmic Dawn (CoDa) Project: Simulating <\/em>reionization and Galaxy Formation<\/em><\/a> 17.30-17.55: break<\/p>\n 17.55-18.20: Ke-Jung Chen \u2013\u00a0Extreme Supernovae from Cosmic Dawn<\/em> 19.30: Banquet at the Aspen Meadows, including Block Award<\/p>\n Chair \u2013 Daly – All talks 20min + 5min questions<\/strong><\/p>\n 08.30-08.55: Kevin Schlaufman \u2013 An Ultra-Metal-Poor Star Near the Hydrogen-burning Limit<\/em> 09:30-09.55: break<\/p>\nSunday, March 3 rd<\/strong><\/h2>\n
\n19.00: No-host dinner at Hickory House (if choose to join \u2013 can eat anywhere)<\/p>\nMonday, March 4 th<\/strong><\/h2>\n
\n09.15-09.40: Rennan Barkana \u2013 Dark Matter Revealed by the First Stars?<\/em><\/a>
\n09.45-10.10: Pratika Dayal \u2013 The First Billion Years of Galaxy Formation<\/em><\/a>
\n10.15-10.40: Kohei Inayoshi \u2013 Massive Black Hole and Population III Galaxy <\/em>Formation in Over-Massive Dark Matter Haloes<\/em><\/a><\/p>\n
\n17.00-17.25: Yuan-Sen Ting \u2013 Near Field Cosmology 2.0:\u00a0<\/span><\/i><\/a><\/em>Low-resolution spectra & how awesome they are<\/span><\/i><\/a><\/em><\/p>\n
\n18.25-18.50: Rychard Bouwens \u2013\u00a0The Prevalence and Properties of Extremely Low-Luminosity Galaxies at Early Times<\/em><\/p>\nTuesday, March 5 th<\/strong><\/h2>\n
\n09.00-09.25: Yi-Kuan Chiang \u2013\u00a0Galaxy ProtoClusters as Drivers of Cosmic Star <\/em>Formation History<\/em><\/p>\n
\n10.25-10.50: Daegene Koh \u2013\u00a0Lagrangian Fields in Eulerian Codes<\/em><\/a><\/p>\n
\n17.00-17.25: Muhammad Latif \u2013\u00a0Early Growth of Massive Black Holes<\/em><\/a><\/p>\n
\n18.25-18.50: Yu-Qing Lou \u2013\u00a0Hypermassive Black Holes in the Universe<\/em><\/p>\nWednesday, March 6 th<\/strong><\/h2>\n
\n09.00-09.25: Martin Haehnelt \u2013\u00a0Ionising Radiation from the First Galaxies
\n10.25-10.50: Samuel Patrick \u2013\u00a0Finding the First Quasars with JWST, Euclid and <\/em>WFIRST<\/em><\/a><\/p>\nThursday March 7 th<\/strong><\/h2>\n
\n09.00-09.25: Mauro Stefanon \u2013\u00a0Star-formation Efficiency at 600 Myr of Cosmic Time<\/em><\/a><\/p>\n
\n10.25-10.50: Alvaro Zamora \u2013\u00a0Large Cosmological Simulations and IGM <\/em>Temperatures in the Early Universe<\/em><\/p>\n
\n17.00-17.25: Michele Trenti \u2013\u00a0Gamma Ray Bursts as Probes of Star Formation at <\/em>the End of the Cosmic Dark Ages<\/em><\/a><\/p>\n
\n18.25-18.50: Wayne Hu \u2013\u00a0Complete Reionization Constraints from the CMB<\/em><\/a><\/p>\nFriday March 8 th<\/strong><\/h2>\n
\n09.00-09.25:\u00a0Tilman Hartwig \u2013\u00a0Carbon-Enhanced Metal-poor Stars as a Consequence of Inhomogeneous Metal Mixing<\/em><\/a><\/p>\n