Thinkshop 16

The rotation periods of cool stars: Measurements, uses, connections and prospects

23rd - 26th September 2019


High-resolution spectropolarimetry: studying cool magnetic giant stars

Stefan Georgiev, Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory, Bulgarian Academy of Science; Laboratory of Universe and Particles, University of Montpellier, France

A study of magnetism in selected Red Giant stars using high-resolution spectropolarimetry and multi-line tools (Least Square Deconvolution, LSD) for detection and evaluation of the photospheric magnetic field is presented. In addition, we studied the spectral line activity indicators (Ca H&K, Halpha and Ca IRT) simultaneously. A method (based on multi-line tools - LSD and synthetic spectra) to accurately determine stellar physical parameters such as rotational and macroturbulence velocities is also presented.