WASP-33b is an ultra hot Jupiter with a day-side temperature of 3100 K. In this talk, I will present our latest results in characterising its day-side atmosphere using the InfraRed Doppler instrument on the Subaru telescope. Using high-resolution cross-correlation spectroscopy, we confirmed our previous detection of OH emission but only after the secondary eclipse. Through an injection test, we show that the data quality before the eclipse is enough to detect the same signal if exists. More importantly, we were able to detect the emission of Fe and Si both before and after the secondary eclipse and Ti only after the secondary eclipse. This indicates that the spatial distribution of each chemical species is different and that we are probing the different parts of this 3D atmosphere. We also found evidence of the emission of Mg and Mn after combining all data sets, which, if confirmed, along with Ti add more chemical species that are detected on the day-side of an exoplanet.