20-24 March 2023
Haus H, Telegrafenberg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Forming Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy (BCD) through the Merger

23 Mar 2023, 15:24
Haus H, Telegrafenberg

Haus H, Telegrafenberg

Potsdam, Germany
Poster SESSION 5 : Near-field cosmology and galaxy masses beyond the Local Group SESSION 5 : Near-field cosmology and galaxy masses beyond the Local Group


Daya Nidhi Chhatkuli (Central Department of Physics, Tribhuvan University)


It has long been speculated that Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies (BCDs) are formed through the interaction between low-mass gas-rich galaxies, but due to a lack of evidence, this possibility has rarely been explored. We study a sample of compact star-forming dwarf galaxies that are selected from a merging dwarf galaxy catalog. We present a detailed study of their spectroscopic and structural properties. We find that these BCDs looking galaxies host extended stellar shells and thus is confirmed to be a dwarf-dwarf merger. Their stellar masses range between 8 × 107 Mʘ and 2 × 109 Mʘ. Although the extended tail and shell are prominent in the deep optical images, the overall major axis light profile is well modeled with a two-component Sersic function of inner compact and extended outer radii. We calculate the inner and outer component stellar-mass ratio using the two-component modeling. We find an average of 4:1 (with a range of 10:1 to 2:1) for our sample, indicating that these galaxies might have suffered a satellite accretion which triggers the starburst in the center of the host galaxies. From the measurement of Hα equivalent width, we derived the star-formation ages of these galaxies. The derived star-formation ages of these galaxies turn out to be less than 100 Myr, suggesting the recent ignition of star-formation due to events of satellite interaction.
Key words: galaxies: evolution-galaxies: irregular-galaxies: dwarf-galaxies: starburst-galaxies: interactions.

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Primary author

Daya Nidhi Chhatkuli (Central Department of Physics, Tribhuvan University)


Dr Sanjaya Paudel (2Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University) Rajesh Kumar Bachchan (Patan Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University) Prof. Binil Aryal (Central Department of Physics, Tribhuvan University) Dr Jaewon Yoo (4Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI))

Presentation Materials