14–18 Jul 2025
Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)
Europe/Berlin timezone

Invited Speakers

Invited Discussion Leaders

  • High-z galaxy formation & reionization: Roberto Maiolino & Ewald Puchwein
  • Feedback in galaxies since cosmic noon: Natascha Foerster-Schreiber & Laura Sales
  • Cosmic rays & radiative feedback: Ellen Zweibel & NN
  • Supernova feedback & ISM: Eva Schinnerer & Steffi Walch
  • AGN jet & quasar feedback: Debora Sijacki & Nadia Zakamska
  • Circumgalactic medium and multiphase gas: Naomi McClure-Griffiths & Lutz Wisotzki
  • Connecting small to large scales: Andrey Kravtsov & Ann Zabludoff
  • Simulation challenges: Volker Springel & Romain Teyssier

Invited Speakers