8-12 May 2023
Haus H, Telegrafenberg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Flare-accelerated electrons and the evolution of the associated active region

10 May 2023, 12:25
Haus H, Telegrafenberg

Haus H, Telegrafenberg

Potsdam, Germany
Oral presentation 3) Energy and mass flow through the solar atmosphere – from solar campfires to CME (Observations and Theory) Energy and mass flow through the solar atmosphere – from solar campfires to CME (Observations and Theory)


Malte Bröse (AIP)


A multi-wavelength analysis is conducted to study flare signatures both in the
low and higher corona. LOFAR, STIX/Rhessi, and AIA data provide an extensive
picture about different aspects of flare characteristics. The active region and
its thermal evolution are studied through Differential Emission Measure (DEM)
reconstructions from AIA data. Flare-accelerated electrons and their radio
traces are observed with STIX and LOFAR, respectively. These are in principal
all associated with the energy release during the flare process. We focus on
fluctuations of the radio sources and the thermal evolution of the active
region, and their possible relations. Solar magnetic fields are a binding
element between low and high corona, accelerated electrons, and heated flare
loops. They are included in the analysis via a Potential Field Source Surface
(PFSS) model.

Submit to 'solar physics' topical issue? Maybe

Primary author

Malte Bröse (AIP)


Dr Christian Vocks (AIP)

Presentation Materials

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