8-12 May 2023
Haus H, Telegrafenberg
Europe/Berlin timezone

poster popups

8 May 2023, 15:30
Haus H, Telegrafenberg

Haus H, Telegrafenberg

Potsdam, Germany


Bartosz Dabrowski (Space Radio-Diagnostics Research Centre, University of Warmia and Mazury) Fabio Duvan Lora Clavijo (Universidad Industrial de Santander) Frederic Schuller (AIP) Markus Roth (Thüringer Landessternwarte) Merlin Mendoza (Department of Space Science and Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan) Robbe Vansintjan (Royal Observatory of Belgium) Ziwen Huang (Max-planck Institute for Solar System Research)


Robbe Vansintjan - The SOLARNET project and the Solar Virtual Observatory (SVO)
Fabio Duvan Lora Clavijo - Effect of the Hall term on the energy release and the magnetic reconnection rate in solar flares
Merlin Mendoza - Association between Magnetic Pressure Difference and Movement of Solar Pores
Bartosz Dabrowski - Fine structures of a solar bursts observed with LOFAR
Markus Roth - SolarLab as Pathfinder towards SPRING
Frederic Schuller - Pointing stability of Solar Orbiter and its instruments
Ziwen Huang - Imaging and spectroscopic observations of EUV brightenings using EUI and SPICE on board of SOLAR ORBITER

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