20-24 March 2023
Haus H, Telegrafenberg
Europe/Berlin timezone

The internal kinematics and dynamical masses of Local Group dwarf galaxies

20 Mar 2023, 09:15
Haus H, Telegrafenberg

Haus H, Telegrafenberg

Potsdam, Germany
Invited review talk SESSION 1: From ground and space: motions, distances, chemistry and star formation measurements SESSION 1: From ground and space: motions, distances, chemistry and star formation measurements


Giuseppina Battaglia (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias)


When interpreted within the framework of Newtonian dynamics, the internal kinematic properties of Local Group dwarf galaxies indicate that most of these systems are completely dominated by their dark matter halos. These dwarf galaxies are therefore among the best test-benches for dark matter theories. In this review talk, I will first provide an overview of our current understanding of the internal kinematic properties of Local Group dwarf galaxies, and then discuss the current status of determinations of their dark matter content and distribution, highlighting similarities and differences in the findings from the various methodologies used in the literature. I will also touch upon the 3D motions of Milky Way satellite galaxies
and what they imply for their orbital paths around their host, discussing possible sources of uncertainty at different
levels (e.g. systematics in the proper motion determinations, knowlegde of the gravitational potential of the host).

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Primary author

Giuseppina Battaglia (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias)

Presentation Materials

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